With all that there is with the unknown and when it would happen, I don't think we can know too much about Safety. Please be sure your family knows what your plans are for each possible scenario that could happen. Preparedness should take out the fear of the unknown and replace it with "This is what we do when..." We care about YOU! January National Radon Actio...
🎄⭐ December Holiday Safety from MSASafety.com: Did you know that local fire departments respond to more than 50,000 fires involving heating equipment and more than 700 caused by decorations each year? Be sure to unplug all of your lights, decorations, and portable space heaters when not in the same room. 1. Never leave a burning candle unattended 2. Turn off tree...
Seymour Community Schools will not be in session on April 8, 2024. It will be an asynchronous elearning day. This meansassignments will be posted online by 9:00 am.(There will be no assignments to directly view the eclipse.)All SCSC campus locations and parking lots will be closed. Jackson Elementary parking lot is the only exception. It will be us...
Construction Update June 2023
Chek out the contructrion update photos and videos!
< Seymour HS > <Seymour Intermediate>